Universidad del Mar  
Department Chair
Eng. Martin Zuñiga Ramírez
Chemical Engineer
Graduate Profile
 The graduate of the Environmental Engineering Course will participate actively in taking decisions relating to the prevention, control and/or remedying of environmental contamination through diagnosis, analysis and evaluation, promoting the sustainable use of a territory and its resources.
 They will have the necessary abilities for the integration of theoretical – practical knowledge which will allow them:
  • To design processes and develop technology relating to the prevention, management, control and remedying of contamination using physical, biological or chemical methods.
  • To design and apply programs of evaluation of pollutants using chemical, physical and biological indicators.
  • To participate in studies of territorial legislation, evaluations of environmental impact and environmental auditory as well as whatever other means of environmental management which contributes to the promotion of sustainable development.
 Throughout their academic training, the graduate will acquire a critical – analytical attitude which will allow them to integrate in multi-disciplined groups to carry out scientific research as well as develop and transfer technology into  their sphere of action.
 The ability of the graduate to plan or direct projects as well as make decisions will be gauged by their social sense and professional ethics, joined with a spirit of leadership, creativity, dynamism, competitiveness  - but equally responsibility, thoughtfulness and tolerance.
Fields of Action
 The professional field of the Environmental Engineer is located in the Industrial Sector and Public Sector at a Federal, State or Municipal level, as well as in National or International Organizations.
 The Environmental  Engineer of the Universidad del Mar will be able to be accomplished as a:
  • Consultant or Assessor of environmental matter of chemical, petrochemical, energy, iron and steel, petroleum, metallurgy, cement, hydraulic, construction and urban infrastructure industries, among others.
  • Consultant or Assessor in evaluations of environmental impact and auditory for the public and private sectors.
  • Coordinator or Director in programs of services for the recollection and management of municipal residual solids, dangerous residuals, etc.
  • Coordinator in programs of environmental security and control in the government sector. (SEMARNAT, PROFEPA etc.).
  • Coordinator or Assessor of research projects and technological innovation on topics of environmental interest, financed by the productive sector, government, non-government organizations etc.
  • Promoter of Environmental Education in Institutions of Higher Education in the public or private sectors.
  • Assessor in the formulation of environmental policies.
Study Plan

 Linear Algebra
 Differential and Integral Calculus
 General Chemistry
 General Biology
 Introduction to Environmental Engineering
 History of Philosophical Thought

 Physics I
 Calculus in various variables
 Organic Chemistry
 Workshop in Technological Implementation I

 Physics II
 Differential Equations
 Chemical Analysis and Equilibrium
 Balances of Material and Energy
 Workshop in Technological Implementation II

 General Systems Theory
 Numerical Analysis
 Physical Chemistry
 Instrumental Chemical Analysis
 Workshop in Technological Implementation III

 Mechanics of Fluids
 Environmental Chemistry

 Transference of Heat and Mass
 Anthropology and Sociology of Environmental problems
 Environmental Economy
 General Ecology

 Environmental Legislation
 Engineering of Reactors
 Unitary Operations I
 Atmospheric Pollution
 Workshop on Community Development

 Engineering of Bioreactors
 Unitary Operations II
 Environmental Impact and Risk
 Elective I

 Solid Residues
 Water treatment
 Environmental Management
 Research Project I
 Elective II

 Industrial Security and Dangerous Residuals
 Design of Processes
 Ecological Regulations and Territorial Planning
 Research Project II
 Analysis of Air and Odor Pollutants I
 Methods of Identification of Pollutants I
 Environmental Monitoring I
 Applied Electrochemistry I
 Selected Themes of Environmental Engineering I
 Sampling and Treatment of Samples
 Chemical Analysis and Quality Control
 Dynamics and Control of Processes
 Mathematical Models and Non-linear Systems
 Advanced Thermodynamics
 Strategic Planning
 Optimization of Processes
 Applied Mathematics
 Simulation of Processes
 Environmental Toxicology
 Environmental and Plant Biotechnology
 Bioremediation of Soils
 Analysis of Air and Odor Pollution I
 Analysis of Air and Odor Pollution II *
 Methods of Identification of Pollutants I
 Methods of Identification of Pollutants II *
 Applied Electrochemistry I
 Applied Electrochemistry II *
 Selected Themes of Environmental Engineering I
 Selected Themes of Environmental Engineering II *
 Sampling and Treatment of Samples
 Chemical Analysis and Quality Control
 Dynamics and Control of Processes
 Mathematical Models and Non-linear Systems
 Advanced Thermodynamics
 Strategic Planning
 Optimization of Processes
 Applied Mathematics
 Simulation of Processes
 Environmental Toxicology
 Bioremediation of Soils
*Course subjects only in Ninth Semester, taking into account the organization of these.
Sistema de Universidades Estatales de Oaxaca
Ciudad Universitaria, Puerto Ángel, Distrito de San Pedro Pochutla, Oax., México C.P. 70902
Ciudad Universitaria, Santa María Huatulco, Oax., México C.P. 70989
Ciudad Universitaria, Carretera Vía Sola de Vega, Puerto Escondido, San Pedro Mixtepec, Juquila, Oax., México C.P. 71980
Pino Suárez #509 Col. Centro, Oaxaca de Juárez, Oax., México C.P. 68000